GG TEAMWEAR and social issues
GGTEAMWEAR sostiene spesso iniziative benefiche grazie alla partecipazione attiva del titolare e fondatore dell'azienda. Attraverso l'azienda infatti trova l'entusiasmo e la costanza di contribuire anche a distanza con diverse donazioni.

Yuo Sud – School Piccolino

YouSUD was born in February 2022, when a group of 10 friends, who already had thirty years of experience in associations, volunteering and international cooperation, decided to create a volunteer association based in Caserta, but in Madagascar. YouSud is active in the field of education, schooling and professional training. To date, it manages two schools in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, and a football team "La Fermata".

GG TEAMWEAR and YouSud are pleased to announce a partnership to support the "Piccolino" school, which unfortunately was threatened with closure due to debts incurred during the pandemic.
The school currently has 18 staff members and 118 students ranging in age from 2 to 11 years old. Together, GG TEAMWEAR and YouSud will undertake the renovation of the school, the construction of a new playground, the renovation of the canteen area and kitchens, and the creation of a pedagogical training course for teachers. In addition, the support will ensure canteen service on all school days during the week for all students, and not only on the three days currently scheduled.
At the same time, YouSud intends to set up workshops for extracurricular activities, in addition to the current dance and movement therapies, IT and English courses are planned, open to all children and young people of the neighborhood where "Piccolino" operates.

GG TEAMWEAR will also support the "La Fermata" football team by providing technical clothing and sports equipment. La Fermata is a project led by YouSud to guarantee the right to play sports to around 100 children from popular neighborhoods in Antananarivo. La Fermata consists of an U14 team, an U16 team, an U20 team, a senior team with no age limit and a women's team.


Ricordiamo anche, che GGTEAMWEAR riveste il ruolo di partner di una grande realtà italiana: Insuberabili Onlus.

GGTEAMWEAR often supports charity project thanks to the participation of the company owner and manager. Thanks to the company he contributes even from remote with many donations.

Associazione Leo

 In 2018 Fabio Olivares as been to madagascar and ethiopia as a volunteer.

Here, he cooperates with Medici Senza Frontiere in school and hospitals giving his help to operatorsin the local aerea and he also collaborating with a South Italy charity istitution.

In this area he gave away sport clothing and he set up a football field

Also remember that GGTEAMWEAR plays the role in a big italian company: Insuberabili Onlus.

GGTEAMWEAR takes care about warehouse management, therefore taking on shipment, customization.